Eye Examinations
Regular eye examinations will not only help you keep your vision performing at its best achievable level but will identify early signs of changes that require further investigation. They can also show up other health concerns that may be present such as diabetes or thyroid disease.
At DW Roberts we pride ourselves on the quality of service we provide to our patients, which is why we like to take our time when testing your eyes.
Your sight test will be performed by one of our highly qualified Optometrists who will tailor the test to your individual needs. A thorough check will be made of the internal and external health of your eyes. At the end of the examination you will be given your prescription, if one is needed, which will give you optimum vision. Please feel free to ask our staff for advice or discuss any concerns you may have about any aspect of your eye care.

Do you qualify for a free NHS Sight Test?
You may be entitled to a free NHS eye test. Currently, children under the age of 16, or 19 if still in full time education, and adults over 60 are entitled to an eye test paid for by the NHS. People with some eye conditions and those in receipt of certain benefits are also eligible for a free NHS sight test:
- are under 16
- are 16, 17 or 18 and in full-time education
- are 60 or over
- are registered as partially sighted or blind
- have been diagnosed with diabetes or glaucoma
- are 40 or over and your mother, father, sibling or child has been diagnosed with glaucoma
- have been advised by an eye doctor (ophthalmologist) that you’re at risk of glaucoma
- are a prisoner on leave from prison
- eligible for an NHS complex lens voucher – your optician can advise you about your entitlement
You also qualify for a free NHS sight test if you:
- get Income Support
- get Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
- get Income-based Employment and Support Allowance
- get Pension Credit Guarantee Credit
- get tax credits and meet the criteria
- get Universal Credit and meet the criteria
- have a low income and are named on a valid NHS HC2 certificate for full help with health costs.
You may be entitled to a reduced cost sight test if you have a low income and are named on a valid NHS HC3 certificate for partial help with health costs.
If you are unsure of your eligibility, please contact us for clarification. At DW Roberts we carry out both NHS and private sight tests.
Retinal Photography
Digital retinal photography is now included as part of our comprehensive private eye examination.
Our retinal camera allows the optometrist to take a highly magnified, detailed photograph of the back of the eye giving a visual record of eye health.
Retinal images allow you to see what your optometrist sees. These pictures enable us to make an accurate comparison of the health of your eyes between eye tests as they are a permanent photographic reference. They make it possible to detect tiny changes over a period of time which may go unnoticed with your standard sight test. They can identify many sight and health conditions in their early stages.
We recommend retinal photography for most adults but it is especially relevant for people over the age of 40 with a family history of glaucoma or other retinal disease. This enhanced eye care service is not covered by an NHS sight test. Therefore there is an additional charge of £10.00 for NHS patients who would like this very worthwhile service.

Frequently Asked Questions
We've compiled a list of frequently asked questions to ensure your experience with DW Roberts is as straight forward as possible.
Have a question that isn't answered here? Please get in touch with us and we'll be happy to help.
I am vulnerable to Covid and worried about coming in to the practice.
+How much is a child's sight test?
+When should my child have their first eye test?
+Can you test my child's eyes before they can read and talk?
+What are the symptoms that indicate my child might have a vision problem?
+I am worried about my child's progress at school, can you help?
+How do I book an appointment?
+I don't think I have any problems with my eye sight, do I still need an eye examination?
+Can I get my eyes tested on the NHS?
+Who qualifies for free sight tests?
+Will the NHS help pay for my glasses?